We strive to provide the most up to date technology to better provide care for our patients in detecting and treating disease.

Fundus Photography
Fundus Photograph captures an image of the back of the eye called the retina. This allows us to monitor very closely for any changes to better safegaurd against the consequences of disease.

Optical coherence tomography is an MRI scan of the back of the eye. This helps us and Specialists that we work with better monitor disease and treatment success.

Lens Grinder
Precision is key when it comes to excellence in glasses. We grind many of our own lenses to help aid in the accuracy and ensure quality in your lenses.
Topography is a map of the front of the eye for a structure called the cornea. This helps us detect early changes in condition like Keratoconus or Pellucid Marginal Degeneration. This is invaluable when detecting these disease states early to receive better treatments to limit disease affects.

Visual Field
Visual Fields help provide baseline and progression data for conditions such as Glaucoma or Macular Degeneration. This gives us a snapshot on progression to better provide guidance when managing a disease.